Saltmarsh analysis
Method indicator | ||
Bottom-Up | Hybrid | Top-Down |
Summary of key issues:
Issue | Description |
Description | Analysis of changes in saltmarsh distribution, including erosion / accretion studies, and functioning of saltmarsh systems. |
Temporal applicability | Medium to long-term dependent on data availability. |
Spatial applicability | Estuary-wide, or specific areas of saltmarsh. |
Links with other tools | Can be an important component of Historical Trends Analysis and EGA. |
Data sources |
Necessary software tools / skills | Software for image analysis; appropriate ground-truthing knowledge; GIS. |
Typical analyses | Erosion / accretion studies, through analysis of movement of the saltmarsh edge and changes in the saltmarsh elevation. |
Limitations | Data availability, cost. |
Example applications | Saltmarsh vegetation classification and changes in saltmarsh extent in Southampton Water. |
The study of saltmarsh is, in part similar to historical trend analysis, in that it can involve the analysis of maps, charts and other archives to establish how the marsh may have changed over time, and this analysis can form an important component of historical trend analysis. However, saltmarsh analysis can also entail mapping the flora and studying aspects of saltmarsh dynamics and community. Aspects such as hydrodynamics, hydrology, geochemistry and biochemistry can all influence the ecological functioning of the marsh (Gray, 1992; Packham and Willis, 1997). The marsh stability may therefore be a function of biological, chemical and physical factors, which in combination can influence how the saltmarsh interacts with the estuary geomorphology.
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