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Supporting document downloads

This page offers direct downloads of supporting documents used in the estuary guide, some key web resources and downloadable software. To download PDFs - right-click, select 'save target as' and specify a local folder for the file. 
NB. PDFs have been designed with internal hyperlinks where possible to allow all files to be located in one local directory.

Background papers on management framework

Framework for estuary shoreline management plans
Paper setting out some formal concepts in the approach to defining flood defence options within an estuary.
Framework for estuary shoreline management plans - PDF 91KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Guidance for the Integration of estuaries into SMPs
Defra's Shoreline Management Plan Guidance on the integration of estuaries into the SMP process.
Guidance for the integration of estuaries into SMPs - PDF 2.27MB (Defra, 2006)

Background papers on theoretical concepts

Cause-consequence model
A more detailed explanation of summarising how the various types of model form the tool-box for the overall cause-consequence approach.
Cause-consequence model - PDF 378KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Coast & estuary behaviour systems
A summary of theoretical systems thinking, behavioural concepts and the application of system diagrams to a range of coastal and estuary systems.
Coast & estuary behaviour systems - PDF 265KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Estuary Geomorphic Elements
Textural descriptions for each of the eleven geomorphic elements, based on the structure presented in Coast and Estuary Behaviour Systems.
Estuary geomorphic elements - PDF 812KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Select Government guidance

Defra guidance on climate change impacts
Treatment of climate change impacts and accompanying Q&A

Government policy on development and flood risk
Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) sets out Government policy on development and flood risk. It's aims are to ensure that flood risk is taken into account at all stages in the planning process to avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding, and to direct development away from areas of highest risk.

Guidance on modelling and analysis

Analysis and modelling guide
Summary of the techniques currently available with a brief outline of each method and pointers to further background reading.
Analysis and modelling guide - ZIP 6.99MB (ABPmer, 2007)

A Guide to prediction of morphological change within estuarine systems, EMPHASYS Consortium, UK Estuary Research Programme, Phase 1, 2000.
EMPHASYS guide - PDF 3.97MB (EMPHASYS Consortium, 2000)

This report summarises studies undertaken to explore the capabilities of a wide range of currently available morphological models and methods, EMPHASYS Consortium, UK Estuary Research Programme, Phase 1, 2000.
EMPHASYS report - PDF 13.8MB (EMPHASYS Consortium, 2000)

Estuary Process Research Project (EstProc)
Integrated Research Results on Hydrobiosedimentary Processes in Estuaries, Final Report of the Estuary Process Research Project, (EstProc).
EstProc Technical Report - PDF 3.28MB (Estuary Process Consortium, 2006a)
EstProc Algorithms and Scientific Information - PDF 3.96MB (Estuary Process Consortium, 2006b)

Data requirements
A discussion of the data requirements for estuary analysis and modelling, inclduing data quality, resolution and accuracy.
Data requirements - PDF 180KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Error and uncertainty
This document identifies the issues associated with error and uncertainty. It reviews the difficulties with collecting field data as well as the potential problems with analysis and interpretation of outputs.
Error and uncertainty - PDF 379KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Future scenario testing
A discussion outlining the topic of future scenario testing. It describes how scenarios are increasingly being used to outline potential future realities.
Future scenario testing - PDF 53KB (ABPmer, 2007)

Good modelling practice handbook
Smooth modelling in water management: Good modelling practice handbook, Dutch Department of Public Works, Institute of Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, 1999.
Good modelling practice handbook - PDF 4.15MB (STOWA/RIZA, 1999)

TR 167 - Enhanced UK Estuaries database: explanatory notes and metadata (SiTE P1). Development of estuary morphological models
Enhanced Database Explanations - PDF 1.42MB (Manning, 2012)

Development of estuary morphology models (Proceedings FLOODrisk 2008)
Methods and models information - PDF 3.96MB (Huthnance et al, 2008)

Guidance on impact assessment

Impact assessment guide
A more detailed presentation of how to assess the impacts of change, developing the ideas summarised in the section on assessing impacts.
Impact assessment guide - PDF 76KB (ABPmer, 2003)

ESPO Code of Practice on the Birds and Habitats Directive
A European Sea Ports Organisation guidance document on ports and nature conservation
ESPO code of practice on the birds and Habitats Directive (ESPO, 2007)

Water Framework Directive assessment: estuarine and coastal waters
How to assess the impact of your activity in estuarine (transitional) and coastal waters for the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The guidance is called Clearing the Waters for All..
Water Framework Directive assessment: estuarine and coastal waters (EA, 2023)

Guidance on habitat creation and restoration

Suitability criteria for habitat creation FD1917
Suitability criteria for habitat creation - Report 1: Reviews of present practices and scientific literature relevant to site selection criteria - PDF 4.57MB (Parker et al., 2004)
Suitability criteria for habitat creation - Report II: Tools to aid site selection for habitat creation - PDF 2.8MB (Parker et al., 2004)

Coastal and estuarine managed realignment: design issues
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment: design issues (C628) (Leggett et al., 2004)

Coastal Habitat Restoration - Towards good practice

OMReG - Online Managed Realignment Guide
A website for information about coastal managed realignment projects in the UK and mainland Europe, which seeks to present the ‘lessons learned’ (both good and bad) from past schemes in order to improve the implementation of future schemes.

Managed Realignment Electronic Platform
This was led by Royal Haskoning. It is delivered by a website available at:

Saltmarsh Management Manual
This was led by Royal Haskoning and has led to an update to the earlier saltmarsh management manual. It is delivered by a website available at:

Worked examples and case studies

Humber holocene chronology
Case study write-up of the changes thought to have occurred over the last 10,000 years on the Humber.

Southampton Water case study
Worked example illustrating some of the possible components and presentation of the study synthesis.


PhD on Southampton Water and the impact of changing sediment budgets.

Humber 2100+ Information page about the new Humber strategy.

Mersey Tidal Power project.


Last Modified on: 15 March 2024
Printed from the Estuary Guide on 15/01/2025 05:21:27