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Regulators/Operators/Developers/Policy Makers

User Group Definition:

This user group includes a diverse range of functions within the estuary management process (regulators, operators, developers and policy makers). The role of each of these users is highly varied. However, the benefits they can draw from the Guide are similar.

User Group Functions:

In the context of identifying and predicting morphological change in estuaries, the broad functions of this user group are:

Benefits from the Guide:

In line with these functions, the main benefits that can be drawn from the Guide by this user group are:

Navigation to Relevant Guide Sections:

The main element of the Guide that provides benefit to this defined user group is:

This consists of a number of introductory sections that provide context. Specifically these relate to:

The remaining sections then provide details relating to completing studies to identify and predict change. This includes the following:

Click here to obtain summary details of the type of information found in each of the above sections Expand section

Details are provided in the first section of the framework for estuary management in the UK. This section provides details of:

  • Strategic Management;
  • Sustainable development;
  • An up-to-date review of the legislative and regulatory context as applied to UK estuaries; and
  • Consideration of management frameworks in estuaries.

The estuary setting section introduces some of the main types of estuaries and the key processes within the estuary. This includes:

  • A classification of estuaries (including application of a typology to classify all UK estuaries);
  • Broad overview of estuary processes.

In addition this section provides characterisation of estuaries based on a number of estuary properties. Finally a discussion is provided of estuary form and function.

The study approach section outlines the overall approach to identifying and predicting change in estuaries. The section breaks the study process down into a series of key steps, from definition of the problem through to reporting.

In addition a discussion is provided regarding how to formulate a conceptual model (i.e. an overall discussion of how a system works).

Study methods draws together the most relevant techniques that can be used to study estuaries. This section draws on the latest research in this area.

A brief description is provided of each technique and links are provided to obtain further in-depth descriptions of the methods and models for those interested.

Important issues relating to errors and uncertainty are also provided in this section.

Within the presentation of findings section, the communication of study outputs is discussed and a number of worked examples are provided, illustrating potential ways of illustrating findings.

The assessing Impacts section (Assessing Impacts:  Chapter Link) specifically relates to the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) context to assessing morphological change in estuaries.

In addition there are a number of other sections of the Guide that will provide relevant information. These are as follows:

Quick links

Last Modified on: 23 May 2012
Printed from the Estuary Guide on 13/02/2025 13:02:18